Plone Conference 2008 videos ============================ Track Listing Day 1 ----- [X] 00 - Plenary: Welcome, introductions, and warmup and Keynote: The state of Plone - Alexander Limi, Alan Runyan [X] 01 - The 10% manifesto and further - Methods for organized contribution to strategic development of Plone (Panel) - Geir Bækholt [X] 02 - Why Plone works well for large government agencies - Ken Wasetis [X] 03 - Content mirror and relational databases - Kapil Thangavelu [X] 04 - Feed the masses - Paul Bugni [X] 05 - Running a small business with Plone - Sally Kleinfeldt [X] 06 - Usability testing: From high end to the dirt poor - Katie Cunningham [X] 07 - Moving an old-style product to Plone 3 - Ricardo Alves [X] 08 - Theming a Plone 3.1 Site from Start to Finish - Rob Porter [X] 09 - Real world intranets - Joel Burton [X] 10 - Ecommerce in Plone: Surveying the state of the art - Christopher Johnson [X] 11 - Cat-Herding for Plone: Organizing and Executing a Successful Remote Sprint - Veda Williams [X] 12 - Keynote: When Software Is a Service, Will Only Network Luddites Be Free? - Bradley M. Kuhn [X] 13 - Lightning Talks Day 1 Day 2 ----- [X] 14 - The warm fuzzy feeling: Supporting your customers - Christoffer Torris Olsen XXX Replaced with So you want to be a Plone Consultant? - Nate Aune [X] 15 - I18N for add-on developers - Hanno Schlichting [X] 16 - Getting dates with Plone - Aaron VanDerlip [X] 17 - Hybrid vigor: Plone and Salesforce integration - Andrew Burkhalter [ ] 18 - What you need to know about Python - Chris Calloway [X] 19 - A simple Plone setup on Amazon EC2 and S3 - David Bain [X] 20 - What makes a great development team - Mike Robinson [X] 21 - The future of Plone's user experience - Alexander Limi [X] 22 - Cross-training for your Plone deployment - Andrew Paker [X] 23 - Collaborative design processes and Plone - Christopher Johnson [X] 24 - Simplifying Plone - Martin Aspeli [X] 25 - K-12 Portal to information literacy - Darci Hanning [X] 26 - The Big Green Button: Turning Plone into a dynamic site factory - Carlos de la Guardia [X] 27 - When good code goes bad: Tools and techniques for troubleshooting Plone - David Glick [X] 28 - Plone's anatomy - Calvin Hendryx-Parker [X] 29 - We all stand together - Cris Ewing [X] 30 - Using Grok to walk like a duck - Brandon Craig Rhodes [X] 31 - NASAScience: The science mission directorate's makeover [ ] 32 - Plone Foundation annual members' meeting [X] 33 - WebLion: Bringing open source practices to the educational enterprise [X] 34 - Using Deliverance to theme a website - Ian Bicking [ ] 35 - Lightning Talks Day 2 Day 3 ----- [X] 36 - PloneGov, a collaborative e-government success - Xavier Heymans [X] 37 - PloneFormGen: Past, present, future - Steve McMahon [X] 38 - Collective.transmorgifier: Plone migrations and more! XXX Replaced with KSS Techniques - Joel Burton [X] 39 - The state of Zope 3: Stephan Richter [X] 40 - How to build a Plone site in 1 hour! - Maarten Kling [X] 41 - Reaching deployment nirvana using buildout - Clayton Parker [X] 42 - Why through-the-web development isn't - Malthe Borche [X] 43 - Introduction to z3c.form - Kamon Ayeva XXX Replaced by Stephan Richter [X] 44 - repoze.bfg: A Zope explosion - Chris McDonough [X] 45 - Documentation Team Panel - Martin Aspeli, Steve McMahon, Matthew Wilkes, Erik Rose, JoAnna Springsteen [X] 46 - Relational database applications with Plone and SQLAlchemy - Laurence Rowe [X] 47 - Plone and multimedia: Publishing audio and video content with Plone - Nate Aune [X] 48 - Delivering egg-based applications with zc.buildout, using a distributed model - Tarek Ziadé [X] 49 - Plone as a campaigns management platform - Matt Lee XXX Replaced with Three 15-minute slots for people to sign up for [X] 50 - RIA with KSS and ExtJS - Godefroid Chapelle [X] 51 - Securing Zope and Plone against the big, bad Internet: Erik Rose and Steve McMahon [X] 52 - Collective Good: Best Practices for Creating, Releasing and Maintaining Add-on Products for Plone - Jon Baldivieso [X] 53 - Content migration: Quantum leap - Vitaliy Podoba [X] 54 - High performing teams: What's the secret sauce? - Gerry Kirk [ ] 55 - Lightning Talks Day 3